Update to some LSSP Modules

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Update to some LSSP Modules

Post by ColinP »

A few of the existing LSSP modules have had minor updates.

The main improvement is the addition of some keyboard shortcuts to Melody Sequencer. These require the latest 2.3.4 version of Voltage Modular to work. The keyboard shortcuts make some core editing operations much more efficient.

Check out https://www.adroitsynthesis.com/melody- ... er-module/ for the detail.

The VCAs in Dual VCA, Rhythm Sequencer, CV Sequencer and AHR Generator have been tweaked. They now slew limit full range transitions to 4 milliseconds. This massively reduces popping when drastic gain changes occur in the duration of a single sample.

The downside of this is that attack rates faster than 4 milliseconds are no longer possible but please note that this only affects the internals of the VCAs. The control voltages work exactly as before so if you really want to recreate the popping you can use Cherry Audio's Amplifier module.

But in reality attacks faster than about 4 milliseconds need special handling anyway (for instance oscillators and samplers ought to be synced to begin their cycles at zero). When dealing with fast attacks you might be really happy with the sound you get but often what you are hearing is the resonant response to impulses of your particular monitors. On someone else's setup it might sound totally different - a dull out of tune thud, a pop or just an annoying click.
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