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Circuit Selector Switch added to Fifth Dimension Phaser Factory

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:37 pm
by utdgrant
Build #4 (Version 1.1) of the Fifth Dimension Phaser Factory has just been published. If you currently own it, it'll update automatically when you next refresh your library. If you don't own it, it only costs one dollar to buy. There's also a 30 day free demo period, if you want to give it a whirl in your own rack, first.

This update adds a 'Circuit Topology' selector switch.

It allows you to select between "Circuit 1" - Fifth Dimension 'Classic':
Circuit1.png (11.13 KiB) Viewed 12400 times
and "Circuit 2", which is a more traditional style of phaser configuration:
Circuit2.png (11.02 KiB) Viewed 12400 times
"Circuit 1" is selected by default, and any patches which you have created in the past will still sound identical when you load them up. The same applies to the Fifth Dimension Presets Pack.

An updated user guide is also available.

Re: Circuit Selector Switch added to Fifth Dimension Phaser Factory

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:15 pm
by BBFricotinero
Well documented and always fine, keep the good job, man!

1000x thanks for this :idea:
